Privacy Policy

The following is a description of our website www.casinghub.com privacy policy (the "Privacy Policy") of Casing Hub (hereinafter, the "Company") in relation to the use and disclosure of the information you share through this website ( hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), "we", "us" or "our") The privacy policy was created to inform you of what information we collect when you visit our website. We offer this Privacy Policy to help you make an informed decision about how to use or continue using the website. 

Casing Hub reserves the right to periodically update the policy and these updates will become effective at the time of publication. It is essential that this document is read carefully and frequently. This Privacy Policy applies to the information we collect or receive from you and other people who use the website, register on the website or participate in promotions or offers available on the website; or with whom we communicate by email or other means.

Collection of information
Casing Hub does not search for confidential data illegally. We gather only the information we request from you and from others who use our Site (advertisers and Affiliates) through online or offline polls, order forms, registration pages, mobile phones communications, and other similar ways.

Informations we collect
Personal Data
Personal data is all data that can be used to distinguish or track a person's identity, alone or in combination with other information, or they can be of a private or sensitive nature.

We collect the username, password, e-mail address, country, and preferred account type. You may also provide us with other optional information, such as your name, photo, postal address, telephone number, social media profiles, questionnaire replies, general business information and other personal, biographical or demographic information. This optional information is not necessary to use the Casing Hub website or to maintain an account with us, but by sharing this information we can provide a better service and improve your overall website experience.

If you provide the name and e-mail address of a friend or colleague, we will use this information to send the person a unique invitation to visit or register on our site. 

Non-Personal data
Non-personal data is information that can not be used alone to identify or track a person or information without particular reference to the identity of the user from whom the information was collected.

When you visit our website, you can collect and store information about your visit (such as the way you browse the site). This information may include the duration of the visit, the date and time of the visit, the pages visited and the sites you visit before and after leaving our site. It does not include personally identifiable information such as name, mailing address or email or telephone number. We use this non-identifiable and aggregated information to better design our website and optimise our services and/or commercial activities. We may also share this general non-identifiable information with our affiliates, suppliers, sponsors, and advertisers.

Information about your device
When you visit our website, we may collect information about your device that you have viewed. This information allows us to improve our services, including the recognition of your device when you use other sites and applications that have collaborated with us.

Casing Hub can collect some or all of the following information about the device: type of device (for example, smartphone, tablet, etc.), operating system (for example, iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry), network provider, mobile browser used (for example, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.), platform, SDK version, timestamp, API key (application identifier), application version, iOS identifier for advertising, iOS identifier for suppliers, model, manufacturer of the device, version of the operating device, start / end time of the session, local (specific position in which a specific language is spoken), time zone, network status as WiFi, geographical location of the device (via GPS or other geolocation data). In some countries, we also collect information such as Internet addresses (IP) or geolocation data, which can be considered personal information and, in this case, we guarantee compliance with the laws in force in our collection or the use thereof, to the extent applicable in such cases. jurisdictions. 

The usage information we collect
In addition to the personal information described above, we also collect information about your use of the site. In particular, our servers automatically collect the following information about the use of the site:

- The type of web browser you use (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or others)
- Where you travel within the site (for example, the pages you visit on the Casing Hub site)
- Your browsing preferences, such as screen size, resolution and other viewing preferences.
- The links and ads that you click on.
- Information about how you came to our site (for example, if a search engine or another third party website directed you to our site)
- Information about how you leave our site (for example, what website you visit immediately after visiting our site).

IP address
As mentioned above, we collect and save the IP address of your device. Your internet service provider will automatically assign your IP address to your computer. The IP address represents the device's general location (city, state, country, and continent) when accessing the service. We can use the IP address of your device to:

- Customise offers and promotions for our services and special events.

- Customise the ads you receive.

- Optimise our products, services and operations.

- Detect, investigate and prevent activities that may violate our policies or be illegal.

- Identify the country in which you are located in order to assess your legal obligations.

- Run site user statistics, demographics, and marketing analytics.

Confidential information
Unless we specifically request (for example, in connection with a specific search), we ask that you do not send us and that you do not disclose (eg social security numbers, people about species or ethnicity, politics, or health, biometrics or genetics, criminal records or trade union membership) health, politics All requested information, including confidential information about opinion, race, religion, sexual life, religion, beliefs, or sexual orientation, may go unanswered.

Use of Information
How we use your personal and non-personal information
Casing Hub will only use the information provided by the user and other people who use the website (advertisers and partners) for the purposes for which the user has provided these services, including those to operate, provide, improve and administer our site. Web and services;

- Respond to your requests and provide other services to the client; as well as for other internal administrative and business purposes.

- Your personal information will be used to establish your account, to communicate with you and to maintain the records required by the Company.

- Your non-personal information The information, including cookies, web beacons, etc., will only be used for the administration of the system and to improve our services (for example, to track the visitors sent by the partners of the company to the sites advertisers website). ). This guarantees the accreditation of our partners for the services they provide to advertisers and the advertisers receive a complete package of services provided by the company.

- Your registration information is necessary to validate and authorise your registration and activity on the website.

When we provide you (or where you have chosen) a password that allows you to access certain parts of our website, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of this password and for complying with any other security procedure that you are notified.

How we use your device information that we collect
Casing Hub uses the information that we collect from your device to display advertising on your device, which may include interest-based advertising customised to individuals’ inferred interests, preferences and locations and to perform analysis aimed at improving our services.

We use your usage information to analyse our web traffic, to figure out how often customers use parts of the site, to improve the site and generally to make it appealing to as many users as possible. 

Sharing of information
We will share your personal information only as described in this privacy statement. We do not trade your personal data to third parties. 

- Occasionally, we may need to disclose your information to third parties, such as law enforcement or our legal advisers, when necessary to comply with the law or regulation; apply our terms and conditions of use; to protect our rights or to preserve the safety of our users. This may involve transferring information with other companies and corporations for fraud protection.

- We may also share your personal information with companies that provide services to help us in our business activities (for example, process payments or send you emails on our behalf), in connection with any merger, sale of KOMO assets, or financing or acquisition.

- As long as we share your personal information, for this reason, we will ensure that the recipient is subject to all appropriate confidentiality obligations and that you agree to use your personal information only for the purposes for which you originally provided it.

- Please also note that information sent to public areas, such as our blogs, can be read, collected and used by other people who access them.

If you interact with social media features on our site, like the Like button on Facebook, or use your social media credentials to comment on our blog, these features can collect information about the use of this site, as well as post information about your activity on this site to your profile page.

We use adequate technical and organisational security measures to protect the information we collect. We use multiple electronic, procedural and physical security measures to protect against unauthorised or illegal use or alteration of information and from any accidental loss, destruction or damage to information. However, no system of transmission over the Internet or automated storage method is 100% secure.

Pull out
When we request this information, we offer you the opportunity to "refuse" the use of your personally identifiable information for a purpose. For example, when you register on the site, you can indicate your preferences in our registration form if you do not want to receive additional materials or warnings from us. 

Retention of data
We retain the information only for the time necessary to comply with the purposes described in this Privacy Policy unless the law requires otherwise. 

Opting out of interest-based advertising
If you prefer not to receive interest-based advertising from Casing Hub, you can opt-out of interest-based advertising at any time.

Please note that if you opt-out of interest-based advertising you will still receive "generic" ads from Casing Hub.

To effectively opt-out of our cross-device data collection activities, you must opt-out on every device browser and device using the appropriate opt-out methods.

Do not track
Not tracking ("DNT") is not supported. Not crawling is a setting that you can configure your browser to notify your site that you do not want to crawl. You can enable or disable Do not Crawl by visiting the Settings page or the Settings page of your web browser.

International transfers
Casing Hub may share your information with customers, affiliates and other third parties described above located in countries outside your country of residence (for example, if you are an EU resident, we may share your information with our customers or affiliates who are not EU members). ), subject to any contractual or legal obligation. 

While it is possible that some countries do not have data protection laws equivalent to those in the country in which you reside, we will take reasonable steps to protect your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 

Third-party advertising
Web beacons, cookies, pixel tags, or to better serve advertisements for products and services that customers may be interested in accessing and using the Services and other sites or services online We may work with third-party advertising companies that use other similar technologies. These companies do not have access to your name, address, email address, phone number or other personal information. However, we may anonymously track your use of the Internet at other sites on your network other than the Service.

Service provider
We use third parties to facilitate our services, to provide services on our behalf, to perform services related to our services, or to help analyse how we use our services. We may hire companies and individuals.

These third parties may only access your personal data for the purpose of performing such tasks for the Company and are required not to disclose or use them for any other purpose.

Use of cookies, pixel tags, and other similar technologies
As with many sites, our services may use "cookies". This is a small text file stored on your computer or computer when you access certain online pages and records your preferences and actions. We use cookies to track the use of our services. You can also use cookies to monitor traffic, improve services, and make them easier and/or better suited for your use.

Cookies are files that contain small amounts of data that may contain an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent from your site to your browser and stored on your device. Trace technologies are also used as beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to enhance and analyse our services.

Examples of cookies we use

Session Cookies: We use session cookies to manage our services.

Security Cookies: We use security cookies for security reasons.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change your browser setting to decline cookies as needed. If you delete cookies or configure your Web browser to decline cookies, some features of this service may not work or may not work as expected. For more information about cookies and their invalidation, see the information posted at www.allaboutcookies.org

We use Google Analytics. We use cookies and similar technology to collect and analyse information about your use of the Service and to report activities and trends. This service may also collect information about the use of other sites, applications, and online resources. You can get information about Google's practices at www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/ to disable Google Analytics You can cancel at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

Pixel tags (also called web beacons and transparent GIFs) are used, among other things, to track the behaviour of service users (including email recipients) and to measure and edit the success of our marketing campaigns. Statistics on the use of services. And the response rate.

Web beacons can also be used. Web beacons (also known as "action tags," "tracking tags," or "single-pixel GIFs") collect information about the use of a particular site and are programmed to send a cookie. Invisible graphics.

Links to other sites
We are not responsible for the practices adopted by sites linked to or from the Service, nor for the information or content contained therein. Moving from this service to another site using a link will invalidate our privacy policy. Your browsing and interactions with other sites, including sites linking to our site, are subject to the rules and policies specific to that site.

Your data protection rights under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
If you reside in the  European Economic Area (EEA), you have some data security rights. Casing Hub is intended to take reasonable steps to allow you to modify, change, delete or restrict the use of your personal data. If you want to be informed about the personal data we hold about you, and if you want to be removed from our system, please contact us.

Under certain circumstances, you have the following data protection rights:

- The freedom to access, renew or erase the information we have concerning you. Whenever possible, you can request access, update or deletion of your personal data directly in the settings section of your account. If you can not perform these operations yourself, please contact us for assistance.

- Right of modification If this information is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to correct your information.

- Right to Object: You have the right to oppose the processing of your own information.

- Restricted Rights: You have the right to require that we limit the processing of your personal information.

- Right to Data Portability: You have the right to receive a copy of the information we have about you in a structured, machine-readable, and commonly used format.

- Right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent whenever Casing Hub relies on your consent to process your personal information.

- Before answering these requests, you may be asked to confirm your identity.

- You have the right to appeal to data protection authorities about the collection and use of our personal data. For more information, contact your local European Economic Area (EEA) data protection authority.

Children's policy (COPPA)
Casing Hub is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy rights of individuals and complying with all applicable laws and regulations.

This includes compliance with new obligations under the rules of the online privacy protection law for US children. ("COPPA") which became enforced on 1 July 2013.

Casing Hub has always adopted a policy of knowingly not knowing personal information about children under the age of 13 and, if we realise that we have collected personal information on a child under 13, this information will be removed immediately from our database.

Casing Hub is compliant with the US Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the United States. Casing Hub does not knowingly collect personal information about site users destined for children under thirteen (13) years old. 

We may modify this Privacy Policy at any time. The modified privacy policy will be disclosed on our site. If we make substantial changes, we will inform you via a notice on this site before the change becomes effective. Check our privacy policy regularly to make sure you have read the latest version.

If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, please contact us at casinghubsingapore@gmail.com.

Last updated: [Date]